Calculating CBD dosage
What's the right amount of CBD to take?
As the wellness benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol) and the cannabis plant become better known and more people are trying it, they can quickly become overwhelmed with the different strengths and types of products CBD is available in. You can now find a wide range of products on the market, from pure CBD oils CBD topicals and CBD edibles.
The most frequently asked question the Lab VII team receives from both experienced and inexperienced CBD users is: how much CBD should I take?
Knowing the correct dosage of CBD isn’t an exact science, but we will outline the important factors that go into determining the best dosage amount when taking CBD oil.

Are CBD oil dosages standardized?
The short answer is the neither the of the notable administrations such as the FDA and MHRA has a recommended a daily amount for the consumption of CBD, meaning that CBD doesn’t have an official serving size.
Another factor that can lead to confusion is the fact that most CBD companies reference “a full dropper” as the recommended serving size. The droppers on most bottles are unmarked and don’t fill to the top, which can confuse customers further.
While a dropper full can definitely be a dosage, it’s important to understand there isn't a correct way to know if that dosage is right for you without taking a number of other factors into account such as listed below:
- Bodyweight
- Potency of the CBD product
- Other mitigating lifestyle factors
Taking the factors outlined above into consideration and the fact that the human body’s endocannabinoid system (which is what interacts with CBD) changes over time, you can quickly see that the correct dosage of CBD for you may shift over the course of time that you are taking it.
Essentially, it will take some trial and error on your part to find the perfect CBD dosage for your respective needs. You may need to experiment with different methods and dosages (low/high doses) and formats before you experience the optimal effects of CBD.
Calculating your CBD dose
Now that we understand there’s not really a universally accepted serving size of CBD, how do you choose the CBD dosage that’s right for you?
These 3 steps below will help you figure it out.
Step 1: Use your body weight to estimate your dosage
Similar to most substances that affect the body, someone with less body mass requires less CBD to feel the same effects as someone with more body mass.
Here is a guideline for you to keep in mind:
(the dosage calculator numbers are approximations and highly subjective due to the nature of CBD consumption – always consult with your doctor for medical advice and to check for drug interactions, as there may be side effects)
Step 2: Begin with lower doses and increase dosage accordingly with care
There’s a number of occasions where some people swear by one brand/one product and another has limited success with the same product – we are all made differently and our bodies have had their own unique experiences and history with substances, vitamin supplements, and medications.
In other words, our body chemistry affects how it will react to CBD. This is why its important to understand that this is your personal wellness journey and another persons experience can/will differ greatly to your own and vice versa.
This is why it’s important to determine your CBD oil starting dosage based on weight. Then you need to gauge your body’s reaction to the minimal amount of CBD it was given before increasing it.
After you become comfortable with the baseline minimal dose, you can gradually increase the amount of CBD while monitoring your body’s reactions closely. Being able to feel your body plays an important role in finding your optimal dosage.
Step 3: Talk to your doctor or healthcare professional
If ever you feel that you need additional help to better understand the dosage you should take, always consult your physician – they are there to help you. This is even more important if you have any existing medical conditions you are concerned about.

Accurately measuring CBD dosages
The most popular and best way to consume oil is using a CBD tincture. The downside to this format is that at times be difficult to measure.
Understanding the dosage you need is one part, but how do you make sure you measure it properly?
Tinctures are the most popular format because they are one of the easiest and most effective ways to consume CBD. After filling the dropper with your dosage, you hold the oil under your tongue anywhere between 60 and 90 seconds before swallowing.
As our CBD oils are all full-spectrum and very potent (high concentration of CBD), when we refer to a “drop”, we literally mean a droplet of the oil. This is not to be confused with a “full dropper”. To improve the bioavailability, place the drops under your tongue (sublingual), hold for 60-90 seconds and then swallow.
Understanding the right milligrams of CBD you are targeting to take can make it much easier to measure out accurately, an outline for Lab VII oils are below
Our 1000mg strength gives you 4 mg of CBD per droplet. Our 2500mg strength gives you 8mg of CBD per droplet
For example, if you are targeting to consumer 20mg per day and using the 1000mg oil you need to consumer 5 drops anytime throughout the day.
Another example is if you are targeting to consume 40mg per day and are using the 2500mg you need to consume 5 drops anytime throughout the day.
The thing to remember is to start at the minimal amount based on your weight and symptom severity and then increase to a higher dose gradually to get the desired effects your body needs. Sometimes all it takes is a low dose, especially if it’s your first time using CBD hemp oil products.
Depending on the milligram you are targeting you can use a multi format regime using oil alongside our Lab VII high quality isolate CBD Gummies, soft gels and topical lotions.
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